Le dinamiche interistituzionali nell’ordinamento spagnolo tra decentramento, accentramento e “balzi asimmetrici”: il caso della tutela dell’ambiente

Inter-institutional dynamics in Spain and environmental protection: a pendulum between asymmetrical decentralization and centralization trends


  • Mariachiara Alberton


Abstract: Inter-institutional dynamics in Spain and environmental protection: a pendulum between asymmetrical decentralization and centralization trends – The article proposes a reconstruction in four phases of the evolving institutional dynamics between the State and the Autonomous Communities with regard to environmental protection. The specific focus adopted through the analysis of the environmental case sheds light on past and current trends emerging in the Spanish “asymmetric regionalism”.


Keywords: Institutional relations, environmental protection, centralization, asymmetric regionalism,  environmental governance.




How to Cite

Alberton, M. (2020). Le dinamiche interistituzionali nell’ordinamento spagnolo tra decentramento, accentramento e “balzi asimmetrici”: il caso della tutela dell’ambiente: Inter-institutional dynamics in Spain and environmental protection: a pendulum between asymmetrical decentralization and centralization trends. DPCE Online, 44(3). Retrieved from https://www.dpceonline.it/index.php/dpceonline/article/view/1143